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Paul Jacoulet

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E-book in PDF-format with quantity of masterpieces of this artist for your Home Museum.

Paul Jacoulet (1896-1960) is an unusual artist who created a very individual pictorial style, borrowing cultural elements from Japanese art and French painting. In his works he used not only paint, but also gold, silver, platinum, semiprecious stones, mica, pearls. In Japan, it was called the "French engraver."

Paul studied drawing with Takeshi Fujishima. He studied languages, fluent in French, English and Japanese. All his life he collected butterflies. His collection includes 300,000 species of different butterflies. He played the cello and the Japanese guitar - shamisen. 

In 1920 he began working at the French Embassy in Tokyo, but due to poor health he was forced to leave the service. In 1928 he went on his first trip to the southern seas and made many drawings on this journey. 

Paul Jacoulet died in 1960. During his life, he created more than 160 engravings, the bulk of which were sold by subscription, so today they are a rarity. All the works of Jakoulet typed in his workshop and distinguished himself by perpetuating the names of his carvers and printers in the margins of prints.
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