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Package Three Completing Planetary Ascension

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Package Three Completing Planetary Ascension is a retrieval of the Love, Power and Wisdom Crystals.

Disconnecting from the Planetary Grid, and a Completion of Planetary Ascension.

This is a completion of Package One and Two.

It Balances the Physical Body, but also protects the Physical Body against taking in too many energies from the physical surroundings.

The return of the Love, Power and Wisdom Crystals lets you stand more in your Own Power.

Allowwing you to take more control of the physical and spiritual.

It will ground you, as well as allow you to stay more balanced and more resistant against physical influences.

All these Packages are done long distance and all I need is your name.

This is a beginning, you can stop here.

Or you can move further on your path toward spiritual and physical growth.

Ask questions as to what could be next for you.