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Do you fear you will be "stuck" with your neck and back pain?

Do you want to find gentle, proper, and effective stretches that will help with back pain?

Would you like stretches that help improve your posture and reduce stress on your lower back?

Are you interested in learning stretches that can be done in your own home, at your own pace?

But if you're like most postpartum moms, you're worried that you don't have the necessary experience or afraid of getting injured.

Why You're Struggling To Become More Flexible

✔️ You don't know how or when to start.

✔️ You have that "Mom-guilt."

✔️ You're sick and tired of being tired.

✔️ You're feeling overwhelmed and don't have support from friends or family.

I Know How You Feel. In Fact, I've Been Exactly Where You Are.

  • SI Joint Pain

    As the weeks turned into months, the pain intensified. Sitting for long periods became a test of endurance, getting out of bed felt like a chore, and even walking up and down the stairs sent a jolt through my back region.

  • Right-sided Sciatica + Tingling

    I knew this wasn't a normal postpartum discomfort. A sharp jolt ran down my right leg, a bolt of lightning that danced just behind my glute. The tingling started soon after, as a pins-and-needles sensation crept down my calf and into my foot.

  • Upper back pain + Scoliosis

    Having scoliosis already, I worried about the extra stress on my spine. The pain seemed to intensify at times, particularly during the later stages. Certain positions, like standing for long periods, became uncomfortable and I found myself constantly shifting to find some relief.

  • Sleepless Nights

    This lack of sleep can be incredibly frustrating. My body ached for deep rest, but those precious moments seem to slip away just as quickly as they arrived. I found myself feeling foggy and irritable during the day, and knowing that wasn't my normal. Yearning for a full night's sleep that felt like a distant dream.

Becoming a mom helped me to better understand other postpartum moms and their journey

While being pregnant with both of my children and then after delivery, I realized just how much my body went through.

Having so much tightness in my low back that started during pregnancy, and upper body tightness from pregnancy and nursing, I knew I needed to do something about it.

Especially, having mild scoliosis in my thoracic (upper spine) region is always something I need to be mindful of.

To be honest, I looked online for a comprehensive postpartum stretching program that could fit into my busy schedule and do in the comfort of my own home. I had no success.

So I knew with my physical therapy education that I had to create something to help myself and other postpartum moms.

After months of creating a stretching program, I founded "Stretch With Ashlea", to refocus on gentle movement, release pain + mental strain, and regain lasting mobility and comfort.

Just Imagine...

🪄 Having the energy and flexibility to enjoy those precious moments with your kids.

🪄 Finally getting a full night's sleep. The aches and pains that kept you tossing and turning have subsided.

🪄 Being able to bend over, pick stuff up, and get off the floor without wincing from pain and tightness.

🪄 Looking in the mirror and seeing your posture improve. Your shoulders are relaxed, your head held high.

🪄 Feeling proud of yourself for taking the time to prioritize your own well-being, knowing it will benefit you and your baby in the long run.

Things To Know

Neck and back pain

Up to 80% of postpartum women experience some degree of back pain.

Stretching can help to improve flexibility and range of motion in the back, which can help to alleviate pain.

Feeling tired through postpartum years.

70% of women report feeling more tired after childbirth.

Stretching can help to improve energy levels and promote better sleep.

Postpartum mom having anxiety and/or depression.

Up to 50% of moms have elevated anxiety and depression.

Stretching can be an effective treatment to help reduce anxiety and depression by promoting a sense of overall well-being. 

Strong & Vibrant You, Strong & Vibrant Body

Course Modules

This is the Premium program. To see other program details, visit my "Shop Programs" page.

Join Today and Get Instant Access:

✔️ EASY-TO-FOLLOW VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: No prior experience needed, perfect for every postpartum and beyond mom.

✔️ CLEAR VISUALS: 6 Step-by-step video modules to guide you through each stretch safely, properly, and effectively. (Featuring over 50+ stretching videos)

✔️ LIFETIME ACCESS: Get lifetime access to course modules, videos, and PDF's. Plus, any updated course content in the future.

✔️ DO IT ANYWHERE, ANYTIME: On-Demand, quick stretches you can fit in throughout your day, even with your little one by your side. No heavy equipment is required. 

✔️ PRINTABLE MATERIALS: Download and keep the trackers and handy guides for whenever you need a quick reference.

🔥 BONUSES: Alternate/Modified video stretches, and videos from postpartum professionals. (Postpartum mental health therapist, and EFT Tapping for overwhelmed moms.)

Extra Bonus: 1-On-1 Personalized Q&A

With your purchase of "The Bend & Stretch Program™️" you'll be able to connect with me through a free video app. (During your program + 2 weeks after your program has ended.) It's more than just a video app, it's a judgement free space to ask questions about stretching, have accountability, and get feedback.

$297 (USD)

About Ashlea Vester.

Why Should You Listen To Me?

Hey there! I'm Ashlea.

Being a mom of two toddlers is exciting and overwhelming at the same time! I live in North Carolina by the beach with my supportive and loving husband, and one fur-baby.

Ever since I took my first health class in High School, I have been hooked on science and the body. I remember when I was younger, I wanted to work with babies. However, I am now focused on helping the amazing moms of the sweet babies!

Having over 20 years of experience, including a degree in biology, a minor in chemistry, and being licensed as a physical therapist assistant has given me the ability to teach hundreds of mothers to find immediate relief through proper body movement.

I am passionate about helping postpartum moms because I know what they are going through. I have been there myself. I have two kids, and I experienced the fourth trimester of postpartum firsthand.

I remember going through a lot physically and emotionally after my two babies. As postpartum moms we are recovering from childbirth, adjusting to our new role as a parent(s), and often struggling with the fourth trimester of postpartum.

Having support and taking care of myself was a huge need of mine to get through the difficult times. I know that postpartum moms need support. They need someone to help them feel their best physically and emotionally. That's why I do what I do.

Postpartum stretching is an important part of a healthy recovery after childbirth. It can help to improve flexibility, reduce pain, prevent injuries, improve posture, boost mood, reduce stress, improve sleep, and increase energy levels.

I am grateful for the opportunity to help postpartum moms. I know that I am making a difference in their lives, and that is what continues to motivate me.

Mama playing on floor with baby

This Program Is For You If ...

✔️ you're experiencing tightness or stiffness, especially in your back, neck, shoulders, and hips.

✔️you want to regain flexibility and improve your range of motion.

✔️ you're looking for gentle, safe exercises to help your body recover at its own pace.

✔️ you're interested in promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

✔️ you're wanting support, accountability, and to know it's okay for self-care.

Here's What Mamas Are Saying ...

Artboard 1

As a new mom, I was constantly sore and stiff. My back especially was killing me from all the carrying. Ashlea knows her stuff! The stretches are beneficial and easy to follow. I felt a noticeable difference in my flexibility and pain levels within just a few weeks. I'm so glad I found this program!

Jessica P. - Mom of 1

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I'm a few years postpartum, and I was starting to feel the tightness and aches creeping back in. The Bend & Stretch Program has been the perfect way to get back on track. The stretches are targeted to all the areas that moms need the most, and they feel so good. I highly recommend this program to any mom, no matter how old your kids are.

Olivia D. - Mom of 2

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This guide is perfect for postpartum moms. The stretches are gentle but effective, and I can do them even when I'm short on time.

Lisa K. - Mom of 4

Join Today and Get Instant Access:

✔️ EASY-TO-FOLLOW VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: No prior experience needed, perfect for every postpartum and beyond mom.

✔️ CLEAR VISUALS: 6 Step-by-step video modules to guide you through each stretch safely, properly, and effectively. (Featuring over 50+ stretching videos)

✔️ LIFETIME ACCESS: Get lifetime access to course modules, videos, and PDF's. Plus, any updated course content in the future.

✔️ DO IT ANYWHERE, ANYTIME: On-Demand, quick stretches you can fit in throughout your day, even with your little one by your side. No heavy equipment is required. 

✔️ PRINTABLE MATERIALS: Download and keep the trackers and handy guides for whenever you need a quick reference.

🔥BONUSES: Alternate/Modified video stretches, and videos from postpartum professionals. (Postpartum mental health therapist, and EFT Tapping for overwhelmed moms.)

Extra Bonus: 1-On-1 Personalized Q&A

With your purchase of "The Bend & Stretch Program™ " you'll be able to connect with me through a free video app. (During your program + 2 weeks after your program has ended.) It's more than just a video app, it's a judgement free space to ask questions about stretching, have accountability, and get feedback.

$297 (USD)

Frequently Asked Questions