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So You Want to Be an Editor ... But Can You Edit? [PREORDER]

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Editing and proofreading are among the most popular services offered in the gig economy. Being a successful freelance editor is a dream job for many who want to get paid to read.

The sad truth is that many of these individuals lack the skills and experience needed to do a proper job of editing or proofreading text for publication. They hang out their shingles far too soon, despite suffering from imposter syndrome, and charge lower rates to attract clients—and to make up for their lack of experience while they learn on the job—that don’t generate enough in revenues to even begin to sustain their efforts. Others are guilty of unsubstantiated overconfidence. They lack familiarity with style manuals or style sheets, add more errors than they fix, and edit out the author’s voice, unknowingly failing not only their client but themselves as well.

But Can You Edit?

But how do you know if you can’t edit? Who can you trust in this industry to tell you if you’re not ready or how to improve?

This book is for you if you want to learn:

  • How to determine whether you have what it takes to be a successful editor
  • What’s required to make a career of editing or proofreading
  • Costs of being a faux editor
  • Different types of editing and how to find the right fit for you
  • How to determine your real starting point and which skills to develop
  • Where to find education and proper training
  • Whether you should find a mentor or a coach and key differences between the two

In So You Want to Be an Editor . . . But Can You Edit?, Tia Ross, a 35-year veteran editor, mentor, and coach, offers straight talk laced with humor. Ross shares insightful tips, thought-provoking scenarios, and sage advice, shining a light on salient focal points to help you find footing in your career and become your professional best.


Ready to Start Your Editing Journey?

Preorder So You Want to Be an Editor… But Can You Edit? today and take the first step toward building a successful editing career.

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