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Linux commands For Beginners

A simple to follow, easy to understand, organized course to get you started with Linux commands

By: George Karam Chamoun

What End Result Can You Expect?

If you put effort to go through the lessons and apply the commands in your terminal, you will acquire basic skills of many simple commands. Remember, it takes time to learn any skills, and using Linux commands is not different. It requires effort, practice, and time to learn.

Who is this course for? And who is it not for?

If you're new to Linux and want to learn how to use commands, this course can get you started with the basics. It will put you on the right track to start with the basics, and it puts you on the right track to move forward on your own to learn more advanced skills.

Also, if you are already familiar with Linux commands, this course will serve as a refresher to your skills.

This course is not for you if you're searching for a quick way to become an expert in using Linux commands.

It is not for you if you aren't willing to put effort and spending time practice using the commands on your own terminal window.

Are You New To Linux Commands?

If you have Linux installed on your computer, or if you don't have installed yet. You may not know how to get started with installing Linux and how to start using the commands.

In both bases, this course will help you get started and nail down the basic skills.

My Story with learning Linux Commands: I Didn't Learn Them Until I Installed It and Started to Use them often.

You can't learn using Linux commands until you start using them yourself on your own computer. This is how I did it.

When I went to college, I used to see big dark cabinet in computer rooms. There was a monitor and a keyboard, and a computer operator typing text on the screen.

When I asked about this environment, they told me this is a mainframe, and you use text-based screen to operate it using commands, scripts, and programming languages.

I was very interested to learn about it, so I took a course named, "Unix Solaris Systems Administration". I enjoyed it but it was difficult, so I tried to use it at home on my own computer, but it didn't work out well for me.

The instructor of the course had a company that was specialized in working with Linux Operating System and server administration. So, I figured I should try to learn Linux since it has a command line interface and that would allow me to learn and practice using the commands.

At this point, I bought a book about Linux administration, and started to try installing it, and searching the internet for helpful info and tips. I learned a lot and took me years of using it at home on and off.

I acquired a lot but still know only the basics, because Linux is very extensive and very detailed topic, and can be used for so many purposes. But you have to start to learn the basics and decide if the basics are enough or if you need more skills.

After I became comfortable with the basics of Linux Commands, I figured I can create a course with my basic skills to help others, like you, learn what I know, and without spending lots of time searching for resources on your own, and without knowing how to start, and what topics you should learn or to avoid as a new user.

And this is how my course was created. It's a great option for you as a new user of Linux commands, or even if you are familiar with it and looking for a refresher for your skills.

How Can My Course Help you?

Save you time searching in a sea of information, online and offline.

Teaches you the basics of certain commands in a logical and Sequential order, from easy to moderate, and then to more difficult commands.

Provides you a resource of specific topics; instead of, buying books that have easy and difficult topics that you will not need as a new user.

You can join my private FB group and post questions, and myself or other members can help you with more tips.

What If You Don't Enroll in This Course?

You'll be learning on your own without any list of lessons to follow, and without achieving a specific result.

You'll be spending lots of time and effort in trying to find resources to learn from.


Enroll Now: (includes 4 hours online live session Q and A Session based on material I cover in the course).
