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2 reviews

Sir Gompie {PC & Quest Dragons Pit Official}

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2 reviews

I am proud to introduce Sir Gompie, Ruler of the Oak Mooshroom Forest!

Sir Gompie is PC & Quest compatible. Follow the rules that I have provided in the file.

Sir Gompie's In-Game stats:

Texture Memory: 4.02 MB

In-Game Download Size: 0.90

Triangles: 12,356

Materials: 3

Facial Expressions: 4


Hat Toggle

Hat Hue Shift

Body Hue Shift


  • Do NOT re-sell this model

  • Do NOT redistribute this model

  • Do NOT take from the unity package

  • NO refunds

What you may do:

  • You MAY edit the material and or add stuff to the model

  • You MAY change the textures to what you'd like

Thank you so much to Emchie for creating the video for Sir Gompie!!!! Thank you so much to Suzu for being my model! BIGGGGG THANK YOU TO BOTH OF YOU. ALL BOW TO SIR GOMPIE!!

If you have any questions or issues with the product please do not hesitate to create a ticket in my server! I would like to fix anything! : Server

You will get a ZIP (15MB) file

Customer Reviews



Verified Buyer

5 months ago

Frog good, color rotation needs work.

While the model itself is great The rotated colors are not very good. I would suggest making a mask for where the colors change but exclude the mouth and blush.


10 months ago


I pray to Sir Gompie everynight