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CWK Self Care + Social Injustice Mini Guide

The current social climate is no secret. For people of color in all hues there is a strong wave of fear, trauma, uncertainty, anger, grief, depression, and honestly the list can go on. So what do we do? How do we function past this? These questions are most difficult to answer, but here’s what I know. It’s better to have a foundation than not to have anything at all. This is what this self care guide is all about. It’s not a fluffed up, good feeling type of thing. You won’t find brunch and mimosas or a spa day suggestion. This is about the tough mental and emotional issues we’re facing and some ways we can tackle them. If you’re looking for this to be a bandaid, then I’m sorry in advance. This is balm. An ointment if you will. Regardless, I hope this self care guide will assist you in finding your way through these wild times.

**Disclaimer: I AM NOT A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. The tips and suggestions in this book are based on my personal research and beliefs. Even though I do have a masters degree in psychology and addiction counseling, I AM NOT A PRACTICING PROFESSIONAL. I am a guru or what some would consider a coach. Please seek professional licensed help if you need deep levels of assistance.

Lastly, the focal point of this guide is geared towards the black community more so than anyone else. I apologize in advance that it does not cover ALL social injustice issues, but only the ones relevant to those that are descendents of slaves in this nation called America.

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