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Release Prosperity Blocks & Ignite your Success Mindset Workshop

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Prosperity blocks look different for everyone but usually the “symptoms” are the same:

  • you feel stagnant, things aren't moving as you'd like them to in spite of your efforts
  • you don't allow yourself to receive (whether it is money, clients, love, even compliments…)
  • you wonder if you “repel” instead of attracting
  • you experience low vibrational emotions/feelings/thoughts related to shame & guilt...
  • you have negative thoughts linked unworthiness, not being good enough
  • fear of lack, this fear is often linked to ancestral trauma & beliefs passed on by society, it's also a soul wound (one of the 5 core soul wounds)


As a result, you end up judging yourself, thinking there’s something wrong with you, feeling like a fraud...


You feel constricted, desperate, you overwork, throwing spaghettis on the wall hoping something sticks… and you over-give because you genuinely want to serve others with your amazing skills - you know deep within that you can make a difference in people’s lives.


You end up creating imbalances and feeling frustrated, you even start resenting your business.

You’re reading this today because you have had enough of that!

You KNOW you’re made for more (and you’re absolutely right), you’ve never given up on yourself and for this, I want to thank you!


This is the proof that you’re a winner and you’re about to reach a breakthrough.


You goals and dreams are valid, they don’t have to stay “something that hopefully will happen one day” - this workshop will take you one step closer to reaching them!!!​


It is my pleasure and honor to assist you with this workshop during which we will:

  • Identify your prosperity block(s)
  • Release what's keeping you "stuck" and bring healing and loving energies
  • Make you step into your new reality, that is to say become a vibrational match for what you desire, being in alignment with your heart’s desires 

In other words, you will:

  • no longer be playing small, 
  • allow yourself to receive what’s meant for you 
  • take a big step forward towards your goals and dreams.

Are you ready to commit to your success?

In this 1h26min workshop, you will learn a lot but in a non-overwhelming way! You'll release blocks, shift your perspective and step into success mindset. 

It contains 6 parts, including a powerful releasing guided exercise (that includes a method you can use and re-use for basically every area of life) and also a powerful guided meditation.


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