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Extracting negative energies and ending karmic contracts - Healing Method (includes an audio file)


Healing crystals - Information and uses


Rewire these 5 most common false beliefs to build a thriving business


Méditation guidée personnalisée


5 Essential Steps to confidently bring your soul's visions to life (FREE)


Break through resistance, clear your path to success - for Artists & Creatives


How to release toxic relationships and stand in your power (Course)


Self-trust building course - confidently up-level your life


Self-forgiveness guided healing meditation


Guided meditation to release stress and relax (free)


Become Magnetic Hypnosis (audio - recommended for service-based business owners)


Personalised Guided Meditation


How to protect yourself from toxic energies - Psychic Protection Beginner's course


Release Prosperity Blocks & Ignite your Success Mindset Workshop


Shadow Work Masterclass


About Me

Hi everyone,

Welcome and thanks for being here !

In addition to the 1:1 sessions with my clients as a personal development coach and energy practitioner, I love creating content to share my experiences in order to help as many people as possible on their path to self-love, emotional, mental and spiritual freedom of their soul and creating the life of their dream.

You can visit my website and blog here:

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. :-)

Take care,
