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Become Magnetic Hypnosis (audio - recommended for service-based business owners)

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This audio file is a hypnosis session specifically designed for service-based business owners who want to delete fear-based programs and old stories the mind has created.

More specifically: fear of being judged, fear of lack, fear of (not) being seen or heard.

You will also replace those fear-based programs with beliefs and programs of:

  • unconditional acceptance of yourself and others,
  • a carefree / non-judgmental approach so you can feel confident to share your story and your message with people who are your dream clients.
  • a prosperity mindset so you can trust that every action you take is building up momentum for more clients and income.

This is to help you do aligned attraction marketing as you show up confidently and own your gifts as a business owner!


You'll get a 17,5 minute audio file you can download and listen to without any connection (it's yours forever). I recommend listening to it for at least 28 days in a row.


In case of any technical issue to download, please contact me.



I created this audio file to help you as a complement to the aligned actions you're already taking to support your dreams and goals in your own business.

As a certified hypnotherapist, I learnt that hypnosis is not recommended when one suffers from seizures or epilespsy.

If you suffer from seizures / epilepsy, I'd defiinitely and strongly recommend to check with your doctor or any medical authority to see if this is compatible with you. When you decide to purchase this audio, you do so at your own responsibility since I have no medical background or authority.

You will get a M4A (13MB) file