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You Are Sovereign Mentorship

This is 5D Mentorship

The intention of this program is to encourage you to own who you are and be unapologetically authentic about it. This program teaches you how to boss up from the inside out.

According to universal law: as within so without, and everything is energy.

It only makes sense to focus on yourself, so you can get into alignment with the energy of your true desires.

This is not your average kind of mentorship. It was designed for not so average people.

What's in it for you?

Is there something that you’ve always wanted to do?

Is there a project you’ve put on the shelf waiting for the right moment?

There is no time like the present. Dust it off and finish what you’ve started.

When you are ready to see past the illusions placed upon you and consciously step out of the matrix fully aware that NO ONE has power or authority over you. Congratulations, hunny you have embodied the energy of being sovereign.

Mentorship includes:

-4 weeks of conscious implementation

-2 personal readings (via zoom)

-Videos and audios to aide in your personal healing process (e.g. meditations, subliminal reprogramming sleep meditations, spiritual practices, etc)

-Customized home/soul work

-Free copy of the Woke planner (exclusive to my Woke Community members)

-2 accountability sessions

-New found sense of FREEDOM & EMPOWERMENT to create your own reality

Choose a pricing plan

2 Months

per month for 2 months

3 Months

per month for 3 months

4 Months

per month for 4 months

Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

Due to the nature of the service provided. Refunds are not given. However, feel free to contact me anytime. And we can discuss how to resolve any issues you may encounter.

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and you will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.

If I can do It...So can YOU!

I built a mini empire from scratch during a pandemic, on lock down in a small 3 bedroom apartment with 3 children around (all the time). Using my spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and listening to my inner guidance.

I now have my own YouTube Channel, private intuitive counselling practice, a paid membership community, two online stores and a boutique lead generation company exclusively for local small businesses and entrepreneurs . I’ve attracted a tribe that gets my vibe and I bring in 10k a month through multiple streams of income.

Years ago I was on welfare, depressed and in a narcissistic relationship that had me in a loop of confusion and stagnancy.

I’ve come a very long way! I really did start from the bottom, now I’m here! That is exactly why I can help you with your first steps on your personal journey of a 1000 miles.