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Rha'Ah'Oo • Frequency Encoded Artwork

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Information about the Frequencies embedded perceived and in what they may assist with/in:

• False parent clearing.

Additional information to assist in clarification of what it is about (quoted from © Ascension glossary site):

"To free the body, mind, emotions and spirit from the bondage of trauma induced by parents or others when we were children, we must take responsibility to learn how to love ourselves and unconditionally forgive what has happened to us. This action dissolves the Causality and the consequential effects, as well as later entanglements that this pain has created throughout the child’s timeline, all the way into adulthood. Unhealed childhood trauma and pain is commonly carried over into our adult intimate relationships, infecting them with pain and leading into unhealthy and destructive relationships. When we are able to unconditionally forgive the situation and love ourselves, we learn that what happened to us as a child, had nothing to do with our real self. We shift our thinking to reflecting upon what lessons we have learned, and what strengths we can take away from that experience.

(...) we have an opportunity to come into the greater realization that our true Parent is our God Parent. As we find God deep within our heart center, we will begin to understand how we can be free of this abusive False Parent and all the pain we suffered from it. As we take responsibility as the real Parent, we completely forgive our biological parents (and our Ancestors) and learn to Parent our child. We are the Mother, The Father and the Child. We are all three in One. (...)

Sacred marriage with God is the layers of our own inner male and female in balance. Hieros Gamos is the representative of the Three in One, The Mother, The Father and the Holy Sun (child). Through the sacred marriage between the Mother and Father Parent, the Christos Child is born. As we resolve past pain with our false parent, we remove the karmic buttons that have been damaging or have destroyed our relationships and marriages in adulthood. We then can be freed to have relationships that are sourced in Love and not karmic pain. (...)"

Quoted from © Ascension glossary



These frequency artworks are not intended to substitute any professional nor medical assistance. Please if You are experiencing serious health conditions consider seeking a certified professional.

By choosing to use these Frequency tools You acknowledge that it is by Your choice, in the use of Free Will, and take responsibility for Yourself and your process.

All materials are posted with good faith. The validity, effectiveness of usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.

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