General Health Screening
Incorporating general health screening into your Oral Health Optimisation treatment
Incorporating general health screening into your Oral Health Optimisation treatment
The Contemporary Hygienist has teamed up with Total Health Screens to offer you courses on general health screening in the dental practice and support you in incorporating health screens into your hygiene department. This course explains how general health screening in practice can complement Oral Health Optimisation
Because systemic health and oral health is so well linked. We are extremely well placed as dental professionals, to be able to spot anomalies and refer our patients to the right healthcare providers. It can also complement our treatment in the quest to achieve optimal oral health, especially as some risk factors are systemically derived. Stabilise these and we are much more likely to be help our patients reach oral health optimisation.
By the end of the course, the delegate will be able to:
This CPD course meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcome C and provides 1 hour of CPD