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Maxene left above the knee amputee

Greetings everyone! It's Maxene

Greetings everyone! It's Maxene, and since we last connected two years ago, my journey has been a whirlwind of growth and resilience. At 22 years old, I continue to navigate life as a left above-the-knee amputee, having lost my leg in a motor accident 4 years ago.

Stepping forward with both my prosthetic limb and crutches, I've found strength in every stride. My love for travel remains unwavering, and any destination is an opportunity for me to explore, learn, and embrace new experiences. Stylish dresses are still my go-to, as they represent not just fashion but also my ongoing journey of self-expression.

As for my life goals, they've evolved with a singular focus—to provide my little daughter with a good life and the education she deserves. She continues to be my inspiration and the driving force behind my determination. Join me on this evolving adventure, where every step forward is a testament to resilience, love, and the pursuit of a brighter future.