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Declutter Your World

Clear the clutter in 15 minutes a day

Are you ready to clear away the chaos in an easy, manageable and judgment-free way?


Feeling judged for the stuff you have

Being pressured to get rid of everything

Spending all weekend every weekend decluttering

sun-lit bedroom living space

It has allowed me to rid my home of unnecessary things, which has in turn left room for better organization, less visual clutter, and less anxiety

“When I started the online declutter program, I was struggling to find the time to declutter my home… Elisa’s program is extremely well organized. It helped me to break the chore into manageable (even enjoyable!) daily tasks… Knowing that I could tackle the next part tomorrow helped me to stop for the day, which kept me from becoming overwhelmed by the project. It has allowed me to rid my home of unnecessary things, which has in turn left room for better organization, less visual clutter, and less anxiety.”

-Robin S.

How would it feel if:

You came home and it felt calm?

You knew how to declutter in a way that works perfectly for you?

My Journey

I started out a messy child. No joke. I had a path cleared in my room to get from the door to my bed (and maybe my dresser). By the time I was in my 20s, I was living in small apartments in NYC and needed to declutter. The problem was, even though I decluttered, there was stuff I still held on to. No matter how many times I moved (and how much I let go of) I took all this stuff with me. Honestly, it was all things I felt like I needed to keep.


Then, in my 30s, when I was married and we had a toddler in a 900 square foot condo, I tried everything I could to keep it clutter free. I devoured every book and program only to feel guilt and shame for not doing it exactly as they said. It was either too vague or incredibly strict. Nothing was a good fit. I still held onto a lot of stuff out of obligation, guilt, fear, and so on. Half the time I was just shuffling items from one box to another. I felt like I spent so much time decluttering but got nowhere. 


Things started to change when I admitted that pulling everything out at once to declutter overwhelmed me. It needed to be done in a manageable way. And expecting myself to spend all weekend decluttering a room was unrealistic. I also used the skills I learned when I was a therapist to dig a little deeper and ask myself some hard questions. I realized that for me, and I think for most people, clutter is not about the stuff, it’s about the thoughts, feelings and emotions we have about the stuff. 


Those discoveries helped me develop a program designed for people who want to declutter in a simple, manageable and effective way while honoring who they truly are.


Declutter Your World

Declutter your world is a six-month program designed to help busy people clear the clutter in an easy, manageable, and judgment-free way. You’ll have access to an online program that is set up like a road map to help you tackle every area in your home in a little as 15-30 minutes a day. It’s designed to help you move at your own pace. You will be given tools and resources to help you along your journey including a 1 to 1 session with me to problem solve and customize the program for your unique needs, weekly email check-ins, and a Facebook group for community support.

Kind Words From Clients:

I now feel confident to keep going and be discerning around letting go of things that are just taking up space

“I really enjoyed the journal exercises you gave me. They gave me clarity around how I want my home to feel. Having worked with you I now feel confident to keep going and be discerning around letting go of things that are just taking up space.” -Gena

Elisa worked with me every step of the way

“I was completely overwhelmed when I tried to declutter without help! Elisa worked with me every step of the way and gently redirected me back to my goals when I started to get distracted. I couldn’t have done it without her help!” - Courtney

What’s Included

  • Step-by-Step modules on decluttering each room and section of your home from the papers in your office to the plates in your kitchen and everything in between. 
  • A 1 ½ hour one to one coaching call with Elisa to create a plan specific to your needs and troubleshoot anything that might come up.
  • A Facebook community to share wins, ask questions, and give/get support.
  • Weekly check-in emails for accountability and to answer any questions you may have.



Because I want this to be an easy yes for you to start decluttering your world in an easy and manageable way so you feel less stressed and more calm..


…the cost for this 6 month program is $997


With the option of a payment plan for 3 monthly payments of $335.

Declutter Your World “Test and Apply” Guarantee

I guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your results if you do the work. If you find this program is not the right fit for you, Declutter Your World has a 14-day money back guarantee. 

This program is for people who are committed to working on this day by day. What I don’t want this to be is another piece of info to collect dust on your digital bookshelf (ie I don’t want this program to be digital clutter for you).

Declutter Your World is ready for you to begin. Once you sign, you will have six months access to the resources. 


I really appreciated her asking these questions and helping keep me on track

“Over the years, looking at the mountains of boxes, old toys, baby and maternity clothing, filled-to-the-brim manila file folders from the 90s, and other items… I'd feel in a state of despair and then procrastinate the decluttering project over and over again… Elisa prompted me to go through items, box by box, to determine if they were to be given away, thrown away, or kept… In a non-judgmental way, Elisa would sometimes question something I was keeping or suggest a way to keep a few similar items without keeping everything. I really appreciated her asking these questions and helping keep me on track… Elisa really worked miracles.”

- Nicole


  • Isn’t open to doing the work/thinks buying the program will magically clear the clutter in their home (in order for this to be successful, you HAVE to do the work)
  • Wants to point the finger at everyone else for why there is clutter in the home (this is a program where there is no shame for the clutter in your home BUT you have to be willing to admit your part in it to keep the clutter from coming back)
  • Lives with people who truly don’t want them to let anything go (if this is you, send me an email and we can discuss what is going on and what would work)


  • Tried decluttering before with little or no success
  • Gets distracted when decluttering and doesn’t complete decluttering projects
  • Has a hard time deciding whether or not to keep something
  • Doesn’t want to spend all weekend every weekend decluttering
  • Is looking for a supportive community for decluttering
  • Feels completely overwhelmed and wants a simple roadmap to follow
  • Wants to be able to ask a decluttering coach questions when hurdles come up

Regardless of whether or not you decide to join my program, I encourage you to begin looking at different ways to declutter and find the one that fits best with who you are. 

Take it from me, and learn from my mistakes: I put a lot of money and time into decluttering programs and books that were not a good fit. Make sure the one that you want to use really works with your personality and needs.

Some of you already know this is EXACTLY what you have been looking for to declutter your whole home. Don’t wait until the clutter gets worse… invest in yourself NOW to create a home that brings more calm and less stress.

I’m Elisa Lindstrom, an ex-therapist turned declutter coach. I am a strong believer that once we clear away the clutter in our homes and our lives, we make room for so much more. Whether we have more time with our families, more mental space, or more money in our bank account, removing clutter changes lives.


When I’m not decluttering, I’m an artist inspired by nature who drinks way too much tea, fawns over my plants and walks around the neighborhood. I live with my partner and teenager just north of Chicago.