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I have some goodies that I'd love to share with you!
By being here, you are already aware of why I offer the products and services I do. In the latest in my string of efforts made to make my personal brand more visible, better, and, most importantly, more useful, I have launched a Freebies Library!&nbs...
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Desi Slaughter (aka desimslaughter)

I'm a solopreneur, creative professional, and digital creator from Detroit that's dedicated to helping you thrive in business and in life. Through my blog and businesses, I share my story and offer products and services for solopreneurs & SMEs (like you) who are looking to own their identity and make living off being themselves. I'm a one-woman-show, so, your purchases support me directly so that I can keep helping others and reaching my goals as a creator. Thank you in advance for your support!

Want to know more about me and what I'm up to? Visit My Website and Connect With Me on your favorite social sites '@desimslaughter'.