Duncan Phelps

My Aunts were 'Daughters of the American Revolution.' They were the strength in our Family. As was their Mother. They traced one of our bloodlines to the Ball Family. The Balls were the Mother lineage of George Washington. As 1st President he attempted to lead by example. Since 1837 under President Andrew Jackson that has not been the case. Pres. Trump has yet been able to prove his case.
I could say I Am of a rather Matriarchal family.
One could say, Mary Ball was rather of a matriarch herself. At her time some referred to her as "Mother of Christ" and loyal to England.
My mother was English-Scot, and rather matriarchal in nature, if I would say in honor myself! Her sister was also strong and lived like that until she was 102 of age.

Another interesting side point: Our Booth blood traces back to the same town in England which John Wilkes Booth traced to. There is evidence that John did not shoot President Lincoln but played a part, ending up as 'the patsy Lone Gunman' like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Everyone who had reached the age of reason by 1963 remembers what they were doing when they learned JFK had been shot. Well, except daddy Bush claiming he does not recall. But then he may have never arrived at reason.
Why do we all remember so well? This ‘Action’ was of such a tremendous degree that it altered our collective Time-line.

I have spent my entire adult life trying to figure this all out, so that we might get back to where we would have been, had this ‘Action’ not been allowed to happen OR allowed to “Officially” continue.
This ‘Action’ brought negative forces together that united against the general population.
This Uniting was an in-corporatization of A one Global World governance. That is, since “They got away with [Presidential] murder” these combined-united negative bodies continue Their ruler-ship and EXPANSION to this day because They have never been fingered, found guilty, and put away!
Our educational system has failed us because we have allowed it to be.
The East India Trading Company out of ‘the City of London’ was the first true corporation. Its power and influence to alter and control a nation, its land and people, was proven beyond a doubt during the Opium Wars.
The banksters behind this opium drug cartel have always set one side against the other so almost everything is a win-win for them. The central banks have financed every ‘Action’ whether they be Nazi, Zionist, communist, socialist, crony-capitalist, or Mafia. They are all one the same… “We-the-Elite control the peon-slave-chattel class as we have fooled them into believing we are their representatives-masters and grant them freedom via their self-application process!” In the U.S.Inc., the schools instruct their students they are free and then give them a ‘graduation certificate’ that announces they have been proudly educated. The corporate media backs this up with “fake news” supporting this ‘fake education’ and ‘fake polls, fake elections, fake markets, and falsified statistics.’