Edition Knitwear

IG: @editionknitwear
Ravelry: editionknitwear
Email: editionknits@gmail.com

I am a notorious 100-projects-at-once knitter (I love the thrill of a cast on), and am rarely without a project bag in tow. I have an incredible partner who takes all the finished project pics with me in them (and manages to find a way to make me come off as presentable), and we have two pups who we love - Charlie Bean & Waffles.

I’m a full-time retail manager at The Endless Skein - the most beautiful LYS in Cold Spring, NY - with knitwear design as my side-hustle. I hope you enjoy knitting up my patterns!

For all inquiries/questions/comments/concerns/pictures of dogs,
please email editionknits@gmail.com - I try my best to check Ravelry mail and IG DM’s, but don’t always see them right away, so email is quickest.