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donation proof

here are the receipts for every time we've donated so far!

current goals

  1. $100 for children in afghanistan
  2. $250 for morgan

quick list of our donations

save the children (afghanistan) - $50.01

helping an editor in need - $115

the trevor project - $30

the palestine children's relief fund - $25

the marsha p. johnson institute - $13.50

the marsha p. johnson insitute

this institute protects & defends the human rights of black transgender people. their goal is to demolish the unjust violence & discrimination that silences the black transgender community. our goal was to donate $10 but thanks to your help, we were able to donate $13.50!

the palestine children's relief fund

this organization hopes to help children in the middle east gain access to medical care we were able to donate $25 to them!

the trevor project

this non-profit is the "world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ". we were able to donate $30 to them!

(60 cents for the processing fee)

helping an editor in need

TW: ab**e, s**ual ab**e, g***ighting and ass*ult 

to help morgan in her situation, we've created a resource pack and a goal of $250. we were able to donate $64.89 so far and will donate more as we earn more.

helping an editor in need

we sent an additional $50.11 to morgan!

save the children - afghanistan crisis children's relief

we've donated to this organization to help save the children in afghanistan as they are in a dire situation "save the children" protects afghan children and families as they seek refuge in America.