Femininity And Fitness

My Fitness Journey
This is a story all about how a chubby insecure girl became a fit confident woman.

I was not always interested in fitness. Like many people Physical Education was the least exciting part of school. I was never really that fit. I was very chubby and a bit insecure.

As I hit the later part of my teens, I made a special effort to lose weight but I was ultimately clueless. I believed that exercising 5 times a week using a workout dvd (Shout out to Davina McCall) before school was the way to my ideal body. I didn’t realise that I needed to eat healthily too! I would eat a lot of junk and exercise hard, losing weight very slowly. However during exam season, I would just not have the focus to exercise so rigorously. I would also still continue to eat junk. So naturally I would gain back all the weight and more! (#facepalm) Over the course of my school life this ‘phenomena’ became affectionately called by my family STUDY BUTT (gee thanks guys).

As I went off to uni, I was fitting in to a big size UK14 jeans. I nearly went into size 16 but exercised to avoid that. I studied a degree that I totally use to this day in my work life, Computer Science and Business Management. During term time I would sporadically exercise a few times per academic term then binge exercise in the summer holidays. Then once term began, Study Butt reappeared.

So how did I break the cycle? In 2012 I found community and fitness support on social media, namely twitter. I amassed a humble but loyal following of around 2000 followers, under the anonymous identity of @thatFitBunny which changed a few times, but I always kept the bunny part. However after a couple of years I closed the account for the same reason I have disdain of Instagram. Twitter became so artificial and I found myself obsessed with numbers. Numbers of retweets, favourites (before the time of silly hearts), new followers and the scale. What I do appreciate is the wonderful people I met online during this time, I still keep in contact with them to this day and are a constant source of inspiration to me. (Shout out to the Fitrepreneur).

On graduating I realised that I didn’t want to pursue the conventional tech career that many of classmates went into. I wanted to pursue my fitness passion and inspire others. I wanted to be a personal trainer. So what did I do? I went into a role of logistics and got a masters place in Supply Chain Management. However the role felt extremely empty for me as I felt I wasn’t helping anyone on a personal level and I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives.

My Life Now…
I decided to finally listen to my calling and became a certified Personal Trainer. I haven’t looked back since I made this risky leap into a turbulent career.  I love what I do. I am really proud of what I have achieve so far. I have helped men and women lose hundred of pounds. I have learned to be a coach is to inspire people to believe in themselves. For clients to believe that they are capable of things they felt impossible. To get people comfortable with pushing themselves past their comfort zone. For them to be comfortable with pain, comfortable with exertion and comfortable with maximum effort.