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The Shadows of Rhodes, Book 1


The Shadows of Rhodes, Book 2, The Gods Have Smiled


The Shadows of Rhodes, Book 3, From Curiosity to Obsession


The Shadows of Rhodes, Book 4, The Price of the Puzzle


The Shadows of Rhodes, Book 5, The Red-Eyed Cat


About the author

In the literary world, I am considered a "Newby," and a late bloomer. Having become a widow, my creative juices found an outlet with this story. My characters were already set; I just needed a story to put them in. I came across a historical account about how the Turks invaded Cyrus in 1974, and the Orthodox churches were stripped of their icons, mosaics, and thousands of crosses and other relics in the aftermath. I found a place to set my characters. I went to Rhodes, Greece for more research, and The Shadows of Rhodes came to life.

A Mystery and Romantic Crime Novel

Now available on PDF are the first five books in the series. Already available on Kindle and in print, I have been asked to make them available to a wider audience in PDF format. Save $2.00 over the Kindle ebooks.