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About Me

My names are Usama Ado Shehu I'm the Founder and CEO of Golden Crescent.

I was born into the Family Sarkin Makera Alh Ado Shehu Ahmed, Garko LG of Kano and Hajiya Binta of Kura, Kura LGA of Kano.

I attended the several schools including islamic schools, before moving to federal University Gusau to study Physics and Electronics.

I worked and gained many experiences, Started from student worker to my current position

I'm a Certified professional (ACP) Microsoft Certified Solution Associate(MCSA) and other ITC related Certifications. 

A proud member of my community and engaged in several community development programs. As part of his giving back to society initiative.

My Foundation has focused on assisting the orphans and less privilege across Nigeria. 

Project such as Nursery & primary school sponsorship, school materials distribution, food items distribution, mosquito nets distribution and other community development projects has been successful executed since the foundation was founded.