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Galah - cross stitch pattern


Kookaburra - cross stitch pattern


Scarlet Tanager - cross stitch pattern


Red Whiskered Bulbul - cross stitch pattern


Java Sparrow - cross stitch pattern


Great Spotted Woodpecker - cross stitch pattern


American Buntings cross stitch pattern bundle: Indigo, Lazuli, Painted and Varied


Blackcaps - counted cross stitch pattern


Golden Oriole cross stitch pattern


Australian Magpie cross stitch pattern


Belted Kingfisher - cross stitch pattern


Black Throated Finch - cross stitch pattern


Varied Bunting - cross stitch pattern


Painted Bunting - cross stitch pattern


Lazuli Bunting - cross stitch pattern


Hawthorn Tree Designs

Cross stitch patterns; blackwork patterns; embroidery patterns. Inspired by history and nature, created for the modern stitcher. I am based in Derbyshire's beautiful Amber Valley. As a history graduate who loves nature, I find inspiration everywhere.