Jasmine Lace

Wife. Mother of two. Educator and sometimes language student. Traveler. Rum drinker. Proudly sings off-key. Jasmine enjoys going down memory lane with her musicology collection of Motown, 90's R&B, Hip Hop, NeoSoul and some old school rock. She loves being a film geek and weekend foodie. As a child, Jasmine would create fictional dramas with her Barbie dolls, giving her brother's G.I. Joes the leading male roles. Now every free moment Jasmine has is spent lost in a story that reflects the American not many write about. The backdrop to her stories are similar to the multicultural world she was raised in California. She is a versatile writer who enjoys writing quirky romances with characters of questionable morals and strong black female protagonist. When asked to describe her work, Jasmine simply said: "My writing is inspired by my experiences. Good or bad, I have to thank everyone who has been in my life to give me those stories to tell". You can contact her or find out more about her upcoming novels at: www.jasminelace.org Twitter: @JasmineLace13 Facebook: www.facebook.com/jasmine.lace.547 Instagram: jasminelace13 Email: Jasminelace13@gmail.com Also, readers can enter to win a chance to receive the next Jasmine Lace novel for FREE. Simply write a review about one of her novels on any websites where her books are sold.