The Little Diva Shop

My name is Annie McGrath, I am 38 years old and I live in Panama. I have always had a passion for self-development and have learned many techniques throughout the course of my life to deal with the troubles and tribulations that I have faced. Every situation has been an opportunity to grow and become a better person and I have been able to face so many of my fears and be able to come out a totally different person. I believe that the techniques that have helped me survive the hard times can save anyone if they are practiced with conviction. Never giving up and with my motto: "Failure is not an option. Success is the only alternative." I can say that I am proud to have achieved many successes in my life like the one I am about to post in this store. My very first E-Book. I have also started my own online business e-commerce platform for teenagers and women who want to increase their self-esteem with my Amazon Affiliate store: The Little Diva Shop. More than 300 products all in the genre of fashion and beauty.