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Healing Touch & Reiki Therapy


About Me

From the age of five years old, after dealing with my own personal health struggles, I yearned to help people through the power of medicine. I decided to accomplish this through the healing touch of Nursing. I pursued this goal by completing my BSN from Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University. I believe there is no limit to what I can achieve and who I can help while pursuing my lifelong passion of helping others. I am a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I have been practicing nursing since 2010 and in 2014 I was introduced to the world of Energy Medicine. I am also a wife, mother, daughter and friend. I love all animals and have two cats. My background is in Cardiac Medicine. I currently work as a full-time nurse during the week but my passion is to help others achieve their highest potential and help clients live their lives to the fullest. Mission Statement: My goal is to provide Energy Restoration, Relaxation, and Relief through the Power of Healing Touch Therapy and Usui Reiki. My intention is to be of service through helping others to align themselves with their highest good.