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Intermediate Word


PowerPoint for Beginners


Intermediate PowerPoint


Access for Beginners


Intermediate Access


Data Principles for Beginners


Regulatory Compliance Fundamentals


Budgeting for Beginners


Excel for Budgeting


Writing for Beginners


Excel for Writers


The Excel for Beginners Quiz Book


The Intermediate Excel Quiz Book


The 50 Useful Excel Functions Quiz Book


The 50 More Excel Functions Quiz Book


About Me

I am a former securities regulator, registered stockbroker, and consultant with an expert-level knowledge in the use of Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. I have an undergraduate degree from Stanford and an MBA from Wharton.

You can buy any of the listed books in ebook format here or they are also available on major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, and Google. You may also be able to request them through your local library.

If you'd prefer to buy print versions of these books they can be found for order on major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Waterstones.

Store-specific links are available on my website.