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About Nicolina

What You Get

Enemies to lovers✅

Alpha males✅✅

Meek heroines❌❌❌

Heroines with a spine✅✅



Cookie cutter plots❌

All books sound the same❌

Twists and turns✅

Panty-melting sex scenes✅✅✅

Second chance at love✅

Emotional wounds✅

Unforgettable characters✅✅✅

Huge redemption arcs✅✅✅

A laptop and a black and an orange cat on a messy bed in a sunny apartment

Who Is Nicolina

Kind and distracted, can be seen as inattentive, but it's not easy to keep focus with a head full of dialogues.

Finds eating, sleeping, cooking, and cleaning unnecessary.

Mom to three gorgeous, clever young women.

Lives in a beautiful, slightly disorganized apartment in a beautiful city by the coast in the south of Sweden.

A radiologist and passionate about her work, she still dreams of making a living on writing because she loves sharing the crazy characters and plots that run around in her head.

book cover for mortem on a cloudy background with a woman in a red dress

How It Began

2005 I had just seen Pitch Black and was blown away by the sexy enemies to lovers vibe between Riddick and Caroline. I had no idea what the term was, and I didn't know there existed anything like fanfiction. Color me blown away again! Then I saw 'Red Eye', and holy HELL, it took me for such a ride it's still an inspiration, all these years later.

I read ALL the fanfiction. Then I had so much stories boiling inside that needed to be told, so I began writing myself.

2010 Family life pulled me away from writing.

2018 A plane ride, the mile high club, and a very dangerous, and irresistible man showed up in my head.

HEAT and the Russo Saga was born.