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Decluttering is a Ritual: The Sacred Woman’s Guide to Living in Ma’at with Our Top Must-Haves for Organizing and D[eco]rating Your Sanctuary

Decluttering and organizing your home can feel like a daunting task. It can be hard to even know where to begin and harder still to trust ourselves to maintain it once all that hard work is done. We want to support you in making lasting changes, not only to your home but to how you feel in it! We know all too well how the cycle goes; so often the tidiness of our home is a direct reflection of our state of mind. The more overstretched, stressed and tired we are the more out of control our home becomes. The more out of control our home becomes, the more overstretched, stressed and tired we feel. 

Mess and clutter can have a significant impact on your energy levels and interfere with your ability to rest. From an energetic perspective, clutter can create stagnant energy in a space, which can feel heavy and draining. When there is too much stuff around, it can be difficult to relax and feel at ease in your surroundings. It’s important to remember that your home is an extension of you, a temple to honor you, a refuge where you rest, recharge and repair. Your home should be a safe haven where you can take your armor off at the end of the day, soak your tired feet and replenish.

This is our guide to treating your home as the sacred space that it is and transforming it into an altar in your honor. 

First off, let's talk about the importance of spiritual hygiene. Just as we take care of our physical body, it's important to take care of our spiritual body too. 

Our home is our sanctuary, and it's where we should feel safe and at peace. 

You wouldn’t trudge muddy shoes through your carpet or get into bed wearing your dirty work clothes but it can be easy to forget how much we can drag into our home with us energetically. When we physically clean our homes, as well as getting rid of dirt, we are mobilizing stagnant energy. This is why it’s important to clear corners, the spaces under furniture and out-of-sight clutter under beds and in cupboards. 

You can begin to bring more mindful energy to this aspect of your home maintenance with a ritual cleansing of your space. This can be done by smudging with incense, sage, frankincense and myrrh or palo santo to clear any negative energy, unwelcome spirits or other people’s unwanted influences. You can also set intentions for your space, such as creating a peaceful and loving environment for yourself and your family or chant mantras and affirmations to charge your home as a space that supports you on your path to achieving your aspirations and goals. 

Another important aspect of spiritual and physical hygiene is air purification. Air quality plays a big role in our physical health and mental well-being. As our founder Sátin Marché recently shared “To be well, you must feel well, and to feel well is to live well.", Sacred Melanin Ancient Designs brings you a better quality of healthy living through our designs, this is one of our core principles as a company, in alignment with Ma’at.  

For this reason, our designers are passionate about incorporating tools to maximize your vitality into your home decor, the most fundamental aspects of this are the air we breathe and the food we eat.

Accessibility is important to us so here are our favorite air purification finds for every budget: 


Another cost-effective way to improve the air quality in your home is by incorporating plants and ecological products made from natural elements into your decor. 

Not only do plants purify the air, but with intentional placement, they can help to maintain the energy flow in hard-to-reach places and corners. 

Our eco-friends at Verdant Lyfe have a beautiful assortment of plants, planters, plant-inspired home decor for seasoned plant lovers and new plant beginners.

We are also in love with this bamboo potted plant stand:

Essential oils can also enhance the energy in your home. Not only do they smell amazing, but they also have healing properties that can boost your mood and overall well-being. Lavender is a great option for relaxation, Peppermint for mental clarity and Eucalyptus for purification.

No spiritual home is complete without a diffuser and given our passion for decorating this ecological design is to live for:

To keep the good vibes flowing, consider incorporating crystals and salt lamps into your decor. Some good options include amethyst for relaxation, clear quartz for clarity, selenite to raise the frequency in your home and rose quartz for love and harmony.

This natural Himalayan salt lamp will promote relaxation in your home as it provides energy-cleansing properties and the perfect dim lighting for winding down in the evening:

Now that your home is cleared and refreshed in every dimension it’s important to implement a maintenance strategy that works for you. 

Decluttering and organizing is a form of self-love and self-honoring that allows you to create a space of calm and serenity as the norm in your home. 

With this in mind, make it easy for yourself! 

Here are some tips to keep your home organization maintainable for you and sustainable for the planet: 

Keep things visible - No more drawers full of old wires and dead batteries. Keeping your belongings stored where you can see them will encourage you to keep on top of your organization. You are also less likely to forget about things that you own or hold onto things you don’t need. 

Utilize open and clear storage: 

Have a designated place for everything - The easiest way to avoid clutter is to make sure everything in your home has a designated place. That way, you and your family will know exactly where to put things when you're not using them, instead of just leaving them out on the counter or on the floor. 

Keeping your shoes stored in the entrance of your home will increase both physical and energetic cleanliness while avoiding leaving your bags on the floor or your wallet mindlessly discarded around the house will support you in sustaining abundance (as well as saving you from the Monday morning rush trying to find them).

Take the load off the chair in your room and avoid the doom piles by creating systems for where everything belongs: 

  1. Keep surfaces clear - Make it a habit to keep surfaces clear of clutter. This means putting away dishes, mail, and other items as soon as you're done with them, instead of leaving them out on the counter. This also promotes good energy flow and will help you to maintain a clear mind.
  2. Little and often! - Get into the habit of picking up as you go and leaving things clear at the end of every day. Not only does this make things more manageable long term and avoid mess piling up, but it will also improve your rest at night and your energy and mood in the rising. Give yourself a beautiful place to start your day, each day.
  3. Own less, more abundantly - The things you own should be of value to you and contribute to the improvement of your life in some way. It might sound strange but owning a lot of things (especially things we don't need or love) is often rooted in scarcity. When we aren’t embodying the vibration of abundance the scarcity wound will lead us to withhold, avoiding letting go and hoarding. 

Instead of holding on to things you don't use or particularly even like, make space for the things you’re calling into your life instead by gifting or donating items to people that will appreciate them. The best way to combat scarcity is to give fearlessly.

Commit to yourself - This is the most important tip of all. Decluttering and organizing is a powerful tool that we can use to show ourselves love and honor our own needs. When we don’t honor our space, we fail to honor ourselves. The message you display to yourself is; my needs, comfort and health are unimportant. You deserve a clean and welcoming space in which you feel reflected. You are worthy of the care in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for yourself that increases your well-being and sense of security. Founder of Sacred Melanin Ancient Interiors Sátin Marché says "I believe that if our homes were truly our sanctuary, we would never have to leave", make your home more than a crash pad or a place you end up wanting to avoid. Create a habitat for yourself that brings you peace and brings you back to your center.

Make the cleaning and organization of your home a practice of gifting to your future self and a ritual of self-love.