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embroidery of a white rabbit made from a recycled table cloth
Follow the white rabbit to Wonderland
Life can lead you to the strangest places.A while ago, I was helping a friend with decluttering her art studio.We sorted out what she wanted to keep and what she wanted to toss.One of the items she wanted to discard completely was a beautiful, embroi...
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How to reduce stress & anxiety with a mental diet
There are a lot of similarities between a physical diet and a mental diet. Just as we need to nourish our bodies with the right nutrients to maintain physical health, we also need to nourish our minds with the right thoughts, beliefs, and habits to m...
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Weaving the Tapestry of Human experience: The Power of Creativity
The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.-Walt WhitmanEvery one of us has a story to tell, a unique perspective on the joys and sorrows, hopes and fears, dreams and aspirations, struggles and triumphs that make up the human experienc...
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Deep work for creative procrastinators
In today’s world distractions are everywhere.Social media, emails, text messages and notifications can quickly drag your attention from your creative work. That’s why it’s essential to learn about deep work and how it can benefit you as a creative.Wh...
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How the Morning Pages changed my life
WHAT ARE THE MORNING PAGES?If you have never heard of the Morning Pages but want to give a new habit a try, I can assure you that you’re about to change your life for the better. If you find that journaling is a relaxing method for you to help organi...
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10 ways to declutter your workspace
A cluttered workspace is a real energy thief when you are trying to work. In this article I will give you tips on how to declutter your workspace as well as your mind.1. Declutter your deskThe first thing you want to do is to entirely clear out your ...
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Stop multitasking - start single tasking
MULTITASKINGAre you trying to accomplish several tasks at once? Answering an email and listening to a colleague simultaneously? Or trying to speak on the phone while driving (which is not allowed by the way). Or your child comes in and asks you to ti...
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The Minimalist Bullet Journal
The Bullet Journal systemIf you are a planning enthusiast like me I’m pretty sure you’ve already heard of the Bullet Journal system and chances are you’re already a bullet journaler.The Bullet Journal CommunityThe Bullet Journal community grows bigge...
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The Eisenhower MethodDo you have an ongoing, neverending to-do list? As soon as you clear something out, a new task will take its place. In today’s article we are going to examime the Eisenhower method which is a great way to manage yo...
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Are you drowning in your inbox everyday? Do you have thousands of old emails in there? Do you get stressed out when you open your email?Fear no more, because today we are going to talk about some secrets on how to detox your inbox and get rid of that...
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13 ways to reconnect with your inner child
Reconnect with your inner child so that you can spark your creativityIn today’s article I will share with you some helpful tips on how you can reconnect with your inner child so that you can reconnect with your creative aspect of yourself. It’s impor...
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Perfectionism & procrastination
Do you take pride in being a perfectionist?Do you want everything to be perfect before you let anyone see your work? Then this blog post might be the one for you, because I’m here to introduce an idea to you today. It might be a little provocative bu...
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How to take care of your mind garden
I’ve always loved to walk around in a beautiful park or garden. The feeling when you walk around among all the flowers and trees that are planted there, and watch the birds take a bath in a pond.A while ago, I got this idea that a garden or park isn’...
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Declutter your life with the Konmari method
MinimalismIf you’re not a minimalist yet but consider becoming one, take a leap towards it today. It’s such a relief to get rid of things that don’t serve a purpose for you anymore. This goes with physical as well as mental things. If you start to de...
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the Mind Map Structure
I am sure that you have heard of the mind map and maybe even tried out this method of note taking. Today we are going to examine this structure, and I’m going to look into why it is so beneficial compared to a traditional note taking style.SO WHAT IS...
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