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Veg Out, Volume 1


About Stacie

I am so happy you are here! Whether you are just starting your plant-based, vegan or vegetarian journey, or have been already eating that way for a while. The recipes in this cookbook take plant-based eating beyond salads!!


I started changing my diet when I started having some digestive symptoms. Medications were not the answer for me, so I kept searching for natural alternatives and ways of eating over 14 years now. Ultimately, I landed on the plant-based lifestyle and juicing celery, because it helped me feel so much better! I have learned to cook many different ways over the course of my journey: dairy-free, artificial flavorings & preservative-free, gmo-free, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, paleo, egg-free, fat-free, oil-free, grain-free, citric acid-free, & plant-based.

I have had a lot of fun plantifying recipes and hope you enjoy them! :) Happy Eating!
