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....The Sky is Gray

Happy November,

Don't you just love this time of year? I do, at least, in Virginia. The leaves are bright yellow, red, and orange. The sky today is a slate gray color, accompanied by a cold, biting wind. It makes for a beautiful view out of my office window as I watch friends and neighbors walking by wrapped up in coats and hats, rushing home from the store or library and the promise of something warm to drink.

It's November, and that means National Novel Writing Month, (NaNoWriMo). If you are participating this year, I wish you all the best is reaching your word goal. I'm not taking part this year, since The Crash Conspiracy launched last week. I am taking a break from daily word count goals and enjoying the holidays. I'm giving myself the freedom to relax and if I only write a few words a day until the new year, that is okay. The holidays can be a little stressful, it's important to take care of yourself. Enjoy this time of year with family and friends.

Exciting news, printed copies of my latest book arrived today. I will post a video of the unboxing on my Patreon page. There you will find opportunities to support me through my subscriptions. There are all sorts of goodies there; including art inspired by my book, I posted a picture of my hand edits to share with my followers my writing and editing process. And I am always looking to add more to provide value to you.

Thanksgiving here in the U.S. is fast approaching. I'll be joining my aunt and cousins and taking corn pudding and a dessert (as yet unnamed). We enjoy a meal prepared by many hands and then watch football. If the weather allows, there may even be a friendly game played outside.

What are some of your traditions?

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