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I healed a life time of incurable Tourette's, OCD, ADHD and Insomnia, Depression & Anxiety in 3 weeks by coming off my medication of 10 years and MEDITATING.

When I was 12, I was diagnosed with Tourette's which as you may know, is the name given by the doctors institution to define a patient whom has twitches and swearing outbursts.

I had twitched since I was 5 from blinking to violent head movements to making silly high pitched noises.

To this day, there isn't a cure recorded amongst the professionals and as far as anyone know's, you have Tourette's for life.

So THEY said, as they put me on powerful medication that patients with schizophrenia are given.

If you control the neurone activity in the brain, you control the voices. As the voices are just sounds relaying back and forward from the eardrum to the brain. 

To solve a problem, you look for a solution. If patients with Tourette's stop twitching when they take medicines, then that medicine will be given to treat anyone with symptoms of Tourette's. The medical institutions job is done.

To find a cure or treat the symptoms.

At 21 I had a spiritual awakening. Or if you are a doctor, a psychotic break down.


Because after being on this powerful medicine for 9 years under the decision of the doctor and my parents (who were like most people influenced by the doctor) I decided to come off my medicine for good over night.

​Something amazing happened. 

​I realised that when I wasn't thinking, I was not twitching.

I fell down a rabbit hole and I found myself coming across all these spiritually awakened people on YouTube telling the same story that I was going through. Opera, Jim Carey, Kayne West, Eminem, Will Smith, Bob Proctor etc. It felt like they were telling me something and they had a message. I was being given every answer that I had been searching for so excessively my whole life. All of a sudden - all the knowledge was being spoken back to me by all these established people who had gone through the same thing.

My twitching worsened when I was seeking answers. For the first time in 21 years, I had other people telling me all the answers to questions I had spent my whole life searching for. That mean't a lot of my twitching reduced because a huge percentage of my brain power went on working out things I didn't have answers to.

However, I was also an entrepreneur since 13 so I was always thinking of ideas and replaying the past. Like most people. Wishing I hadn't done this or wishing I could change the past.

​Then another break through happened.

Along my rabbit hole of youtube videos, I came across meditation.

Answers to all my questions resulted in less twitches as searching for information my brain didn't have meant I had to work a lot of shit out.

But I was left with brain activity of the past being replayed in my head and the future of how I was going to be a millionaire. It didn't cause me as much stress as working out whether or not the chicken came before the egg. I never had an answer for that. But I knew if I created a business, I'd eventually be rich. I had an answer.

I didn't know what meditation was. I learnt it was about pushing thoughts away. So, that is what I did. For 3 weeks I meditated all day every day without thoughts. My brain activity for the first time was nil. My thoughts were made up of seeking answers, the past & the future.

​I had my answers and the meditation allowed me to control brain activity relating to the past and the future.

​No twitching at all what so ever for 3 weeks minimum to months down the line.


I had no thoughts.

Thoughts created brain activity. It was the reason why I twitched. I spent my life thinking and not being present with anyone. Most people listen to what they are told and never question it again. Whereas I questioned every dam thing I was ever told. People didn't have the answers so they labelled me as the one who isn't normal. 

So I had all the answers to all my questions I never had answers to growing up that simply went round and round in my head my whole life.

The medicine to reduced twitches did this by slowing my brain activity down. Because when there is no brain activity, there is no twitches. 

The problem was that when I didn't take my tablets that the brain activity and questions would fire up again resulting in me being able to think freely. Which lead to increased stimulation of the brain which resulted in my parents and everyone around me saying to take a tablet because I was twitching. 

​The whole reason why I was twitching was because I was finding answers to my questions and every time I took a tablet it shut my brain power down.

I went from a person living in my head constantly thinking with violent twitches.

​To having no twitches and no thoughts for the first time ever.

This continued for months and months.

To my parents, friends and everyone around me, it was just another day. For me, it was like being deaf my whole life and suddenly being able to hear. I had answers to everything. My Tourette's was gone. But all everyone around me obsessed about was trying to get me back on my medicine. They were oblivious that I wasn't twitching anymore. And that was the reason why I was on the medicine.

The reason I twitched was because the medication slowed down my brain power which reduced my inability to work out answers to my questions. Or allow me to find a path which had answers.

The problem.

The solution?

​I stopped taking my medication after 9 years, I found all the answers I was seeking and learned to meditate for the first time constantly every day for 3 weeks which reduced my brain activity to nil.

No brain activity? No twitches.

And that is my story of how meditation healed my incurable Tourette's and how medicine made it worse and if I had trusted the doctor and my parents and everyone around me who told me to take my meds, I would have no doubt killed myself.