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3 Ways I Stay Productive as a Mumpreneur

Who says motherhood is a joke? I know might have been seeing it otherwise but I never knew I would have to do so much.

No one told me!

I got married at 19 and gave birth in the second year when I was twenty.

A baby giving birth to another baby but it is what it is. At first, I had people around who were helping me with my baby so I had enough time on my hands to get my important tasks done but that didn't last.

No matter how much help you get, those toddlers can mess up your schedule so fast

With giving birth to my second who is getting close to 2yo now, the work seems to be consuming me day by day.

There was a day I cried so hard and kept wondering if I was ever going to achieve my dreams because I could barely do anything towards my personal growth.

It's either they are fighting or they want mummy, or they want to just be around me all-day

And did I mention that my kids are hyperactive? Yes they are and it's always exhausting to care for them all day and still stay sane but Alhamdulillah they are one of Allah's greatest gifts to me and I wouldn't trade having them with me for anything.

But to live a fulfilled life alongside my kids, I have a decision to make. To either keep doing nothing and keep complaining or find a way around motherhood and living my best Life.

Of course, I'm not there yet, but I'm a whole lot better than where I used to be and I can finish up my important tasks for the day.

So what did I do to change things around?

stop Complaining:

The last thing you want to do is complain too much about your kids taking your time. Not because they are not doing it but when you go into the habit of complaining too much you start feeling ungrateful for having them and might even start comparing your kids to your neighbours who have everything checked when it comes to their kids.

So instead, be grateful to Allah for the gifts of having them and plan your life around them.

Plan your life around your kids.

They are part of you and their world revolves around you. Whether you like it or not you are their mum and you will always be. That tiny sweet voice needing mommy every moment will only get matured with time.

What better way to a fulfilled life than putting them at the centre of your plan? Plan their meals, nap time, toys, and everything. Let them get used to playing around you while you work. And you too need to get used to it. It's the mama preneur life. As they grow up, they will get use to it. Know that it won't be easy at the beginning but it's worth it.

Use the 5 minutes Rule

Wondering what that is? It means breaking down your most important tasks into subtasks that can be completed within 5 minutes. You get something done for 5 minutes, look at the kids and talk, then go back and do another one.

Those little humans don't like to be left alone. They can't stand you doing something else while they are around so this tip helps them feel not left alone while you get your tasks done bit by bit. Win-win ✨

That's how I managed my life with 2 energetic kids. I would love to know, which productivity tips work for you.