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Nurture with Qur'an Podcast

Honest conversation on Learning the Deen, Qur'an, building a deeper connection with Allah, Practicing Gratitude, Mindfulness and Productivity


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Real & Honest Conversations

This is not a space to hold back, I'm keeping it real and sharing with you all of my learnings and tips that helped me get to where I am currently as well as what I will keep doing to improve my life bi'idhnillah

Actionable Advice

I've experienced how much of a struggle it is to implement when you are overloaded with Information, That's why I'm keeping it light and fun on this show so you can easily binge and start implementing immediately


I understand how easy it is to slip off from habits and routines, that's why I'm sprinkling in some motivation to keep you moving even when you don't feel like it because when it comes to Ibaadaat, what count is your Intention and consistency

I'm your Host, Sheriifah,

I am a Qur'an Teacher, Mentor, and Speaker for Muslim women who want to improve their recitation, Become Productive and build a deeper connection with Allah

I started this podcast to share with you all the things I've learnt in my journey from a nominal Muslim girl to a Haafidhah, Munaqqabah, and a Mindset & Personal development enthusiast

If you love real conversations around the deen and what it takes to be a wholesome Muslimah, then this podcast is for you!

Would love to see you over there.

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