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TDM Blog

Sharing my learnings, thoughts, & Opinions on Qur'an Learning, Deen and Personal Development to help you become a better vision of YOU!


Shaytaan will only Defeat you when...
Shaytaan will defeat you only when…Shaytaan will defeat you when you feel hopeless and powerless.We first need to understand that Allah did not create us but to worship himAdh-Dhariyat 51:56وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِAnd I...
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5 Things I did to Start Praying at the Right Time
Today's talk is a really deep one and a reminder about who I used to be.That nominal Muslim girl who doesn't care about anything faith-related. Alhamdulillah for guidance from Allah.Salah was one of the things I struggled hugely with even after ...
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Podcast Show Notes


How I juggle Motherhood with learning the Qur'an
One of the toughest moments of my memorization was when I became a mum. Everything slowed down to the barest minimum.My daughter showed me shege with her constant cries. But hehe now she's a big girl and already learning the Qur'an Allahumm...
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Is the Qur'an really hard to read?
Is the Qur'an really hard to Read or you are holding onto a perspective pushed on you by another personIs the Qur'an really Hard to Read or you don't spend enough time to understand it from the basicsIs the Qur'an really hard to r...
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3 Ways I Stay Productive as a Mumpreneur
Who says motherhood is a joke? I know might have been seeing it otherwise but I never knew I would have to do so much.No one told me!I got married at 19 and gave birth in the second year when I was twenty.A baby giving birth to another baby but it is...
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