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The Art of Living Gently

Imagine allowing life to gently unfold, living fully and embracing whatever gifts each season brings. Delighting in the natural world around us and acknowledging the heritage and traditions that celebrate the rotation throughout each year.

And what would it be like if we used our mind and body gently, present to each moment, trusting our own inner wisdom, not afraid to feel the whole range of human emotions?

Welcome to the Art of Living Gently.

A lifetime of exploring and experience has led me to creating the art of living gently. But what does this actually mean and how does it translate to the daily, practicalities of living our lives?

I want to start by saying that there are no set rules for living gently. I’m not advocating a certain diet, political stance or an endless list of self-care activities to win entry into this way of living. Instead what I am pointing to is more about a way of being in the world, it's about who we are rather than what we own or the roles we play.

It’s certainly a slower, quieter life taking joy in simple pleasures, in the food we eat, the cozy homes we lovingly create, vintage finds and our exploration of the hand-made and crafted.

It’s a world away from the bright lights and the bustle of the frantic city but that doesn’t mean that we can’t embrace these things on occasions, using them mindfully.

A gentle mind

It’s living with an understanding of how the mind works, who we are beyond the noisy chattering of our internal voice. And it’s understanding how once we start to ignore the voice, we open the door to the vast, quiet space of wisdom that lies beyond.

A gentle body

It’s about using our body with respect and lightness and trusting its wisdom. It’s about turning our consciousness, our awareness to the body, slowing down and becoming aware of where tension is held.

A gentle spirit

This is about turning our attention to the earth, conscious of the ebb and flow of the seasons and the wildlife and plants and trees that surround us. It’s honouring our culture and traditions and acknowledging our place in time taking these forward for future generations.

I am proud of my English heritage and Scotland the place of my birth and a country very close to my heart and this also forms part of the content that I produce. It’s about finding peace and solace in the myths and legends of our heritage and the landscape around us, the voices that come to us from past centuries.

It’s the Art of Living Gently.