The Detox Momma

Kimberly Raimi a feminine wellness practioner, owner of Serene Organics and certified health coach, founder of OrganaBodi , providing natural health and wellness services and products.  Through her business,  she encourages toxic-free living in people’s lives.  She advise health conscious individuals on healthier options for their body, homes, and environment.  Her business is about raising awareness, so people can make better decisions.

Kimberly was born in Jacksonville, FL but moved to and was raised in Decatur, GA by her mother with 2 siblings.  She still resides in Georgia now in McDonough, GA with her husband and two children.

Kimberly began her career in the natural health industry in 2006, after being laid off from one of the largest telecommunication companies.  Her “formal education” is in information technology.  She worked for corporate companies in the IT field for over 10 years, but after the third lay off she decided it was time for a change.  It was the perfect time to start her own business, wanting to start a family she wanted more flexibility.  She opened my own natural health shop/herb shop, selling vitamins and herbal supplements. 

Kimberly ran her shop as a solopreneur, it taking some time for us actually start or family, she spent long hours in her store trying to get it off the ground.  But with the declining economy, the business continued to suffer.  So in 2009, just before the birth of her first child, she decide to close shop.

At that point, Kimberly was strictly a stay at home mom.  However, when her daughter was around 9 months old her entrepreneur spirit would not just let her be and she began to seek out work from home opportunities.  Luckily, her association with the organization Mocha Moms (a support group for stay at home moms) lead her to some work from home opportunities such as Arise Virtual Solutions which offers customer service/phone support jobs.  Soon after her training and starting her work from home job, Kimberly discovered she was pregnant with her second child (born in 2010).  She was able to work through her entire pregnancy and go “back to work” only a week after her son was born.  With both her mother and my mother-in-law there, she was very comfortable with her support system and eager to go back to work. 

Kimberly worked with Arise over the next few years while being at home with her children, until 2013 when her world changed forever.  She lost her mother, to her battle with lung cancer.  Kimberly’s mother was diagnosed with lung cancer years before, she had never been a smoker and was put a clinical trial drug which she did very well on for years.

After the loss of her mother and through her belief in how her mother contracted the lung cancer, Kimberly’s passion for natural living and natural products was reignited.  Her mom had a professional cleaning company where she cleaned homes and small business office on a weekly basis.  Kimberly believes the daily exposure to “household” cleaners was the culprit to her mother’s cancer. 

Kimberly’s mom nor she at the time, were aware of the harmful, highly toxic chemicals our cleaning  supplies contained.  Loosing her mother inspired her to be even more health-conscious and also educate her fellow stay at home moms.  If she can educate others of the toxins in the common household products they use everyday, she will feel like her job is done.

Speaking of jobs, in 2015 once Kimberly’s youngest child started preschool, she decided to return to corporate work in the IT field.  While she was OK with the work she did, it was just not for filling to her.  Not to mention the long hours, horrible commute and time away from her children.  During her time on that corporate job, she was also reintroduced to a network marketing company she had learned about years prior.  Kimberly began reaching out to people about her new partnership sometimes during her job’s work hours and completely lost interest in her job.  At that moment, she knew the natural health business was her dream to pursue.  Being in network marketing, Kimberly had the opportunity to become co-author of “The MLM Book” women’s edition which was launched in September 2016.  This book has inspired her to move forward with writing her personal story of living toxic free and why detoxing is a must for her and why it should be for you too.

Kimberly enjoys interacting with people and sharing her insights on healthy living.  Her work day is fun because she knows she is advising people on how to live a better life.  What could be more fun than that?  Kimberly practice what she preaches and have “practice” for many years before “preaching”.  While being a busy mom, getting in a great meal or finding time for exercise can be a struggle, she knows  if she falls off today there’s always tomorrow to get back on track, whether it’s the very next day or some weeks(or months) out, the key is getting back on track.  With her business, she is determined to help people move towards healthy living one step at a time.