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The Cosmic Secret

The Positive Power of the Energy Remedy

Unlock the Secrets of your personal energy! Power uP your personal energy with ten power phrases employed and applied by everyone who was ever successful. Victory in the physical realm is all about victory in the Spiritual energy realm first.

You are energy before you are flesh.

Learn how to employ and apply the powerfully positive energy secret of the Cosmos to align with your highest energy self and flow on your highest energy vibrations - and in return - manifest the best life you want to live...first by manifesting it in a positive energy return - or your personal energy boomerang.

Master your personal energy now to begin experiencing positive results in real-time. It's all about manifesting a positive reality first in energy - and that energy begins in your thoughts - because your thoughts ARE ENERGY.

When you master your personal energy, you have the potential of finally realizing your dreams and goals and direction for your life. You become capable of establishing balance and harmony in your life, because you always were capable. Learning how to master your energy is like an activation from your higher self.

You have the ability to harness the same power that Jesus Christ taught us about. Energy mastering. How else do you think He could walk on water, multiply food, heal sick and blind people, and turn water into wine? He was an energy master because He is/was the Son of God and could use 100% of His brain/mind awareness simultaneously.

Jesus told us to focus on positive things and meditate on positive things. Jesus basically gave us the okay and told us how to master our personal energy by employing and applying rising positive energy that surrounds us all the time.

Like energy orbs and energy beams bouncing and flowing and radiating and rising around us all the time. And since all energy ultimately returns to the Cosmos, all energy is cosmic energy. You are cosmic energy. All you have to do is tap into that higher flow that already exists around you by tuning your own energy frequency, your energy output with the higher flow.

When you do that, you match the frequency of your highest self.

You raise your vibrations. You rise. Your soul glows. You shine. You grow.

Something AMAZING is happening today!

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You are Rising Energy! Personal Positive Energy Output = a Positive Day = a Positive Life! Try it!

Access the Energy Remedy Now! It's the Big Cosmic Secret to Your Highest Godly-Ordained Success!

You are Rising Energy! Personal Positive Energy Output = a Positive Day = a Positive Life! Try it! Access the Energy Remedy Now! It's the Big Cosmic Secret to Your Highest Godly-Ordained Success!

Learn How to Manifest the Power of Positive Thought Energy!

You are energy before you are flesh.

The Energy Remedy. Energy Awareness. Personal Energy. Positive Energy.

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The Energy Remedy - ER FOR YOUR SOUL

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The Energy Remedy
The Energy Remedy Hydroport Official