My name is Ciarán Fox. By trade, I'm a Specialist Occupational Therapist working in Clinical Neurology with a specialist interest in mindfulness based stress reduction, stress management and high performance coaching.
I appreciate the importance of a healthy life through meaningful activity and prioritise this over a medical model to improve one's mental and physical health.
We live in a stressful world bombarded by information, worry and panic.
I teach people how to make better decisions when dealing with stress or heightened situations. This is essentially high performance stress based thinking. I teach people how to manage a stressful mind through concepts of mindfulness, neurobiology, neuropsychology and govern this with occupational therapy based principles.
If you want to know more or are interested in taking your performance based thinking to the level, which you deserve, please dm or email me -
You have huge potential. Take the first step in the direction of objective thinking.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Have a great day
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