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Before we begin...

What is Neurorehab?

What is Speech Language Pathology (SLP)?

NEUROREHAB: The rehabilitation that a person receives AFTER they have experienced neurological changes (ex: stroke, brain injury, etc)

SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST: a licensed clinician who is responsible for the assessment and treatment of communication, cognition, and swallowing.

Put the two terms together and you have NEURO + SLP. That's what I am! (*and thousands of other SLPs too).

I created this online space to be a source/resource for SLPs, SLP students, patients, and caregivers. Recovery is a TEAM EFFORT and facilitating recovery is as much of an ART as it is a SCIENCE, Because of this, its important to share knowledge and inspire each other.

If you're ready to learn and be inspired, click the links below to:

*Webinar Registration NOW OPEN

*Webinar Registration NOW OPEN