From Surviving To Thriving

I was a child born into a world that should have been safe, welcoming, and nurturing. Yet with narcissistic family members, I learned what it was like to live in an emotional war zone before I ever learned how to crawl. Often times if we have unresolved issues from our childhood we can sadly wind up in relationships with what is familiar. Repetition compulsion often causes individuals to continue to re-crear the unhealthy dynamics and un healed wounds of the past over and over again in a subconscious effort to heal past pain. My life was no exception and I found myself in relationships with individuals that kept me repeating the same toxic dynamics over and over until finally - finally - I learned how to break out of that cycle and I now dedicate my life to helping other victims of narcissistic personality disorder to free themselves of the toxicity and learn to develop strong and healthy Self Love, Self Confidence and Self Respect.We all have to travel that journey to heal, but we don't have to travel it alone.