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Summary of the Book Liquid Culture


Summary of the book (How do you manage your daily tasks?)


Summary of the book (The Power of Focus for Women.. How to Live the Life You Really Want)


Summary of the Book Awareness: A very short introduction


 Summary of the book (How do we sleep?) Isabel Arnoff and Delphine Odette


Summary of Mein Kampf (My struggle) Adolf Hitler


Summary of (The kingdom of fashion is a renewed demise) Fashion and its destiny in Western societies Gilles Lipovtsky


Summary of Club 5:00 a.m. Own your morning and relax in your life Robin Sharma


Summary of the book (The seven habits of the most effective people) Stephen Coffey


Summary: phobia The morbid fear of things and overcoming them


Book Summary:Managing difficult interactions Expert solutions to daily challenges


How did the Jews control the porn market? They own a large company .....................


Book Summary( To be yourself)


Trust Game


Summary of the Hunger Industry The myth of scarcity


Toolay Smith

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