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Ann Surya

Ann Surya

My name is Ann Surya. I am a spiritual educator and writer, deeply committed to our shared journey of consciousness with Earth and all life, and compelled by the urgent and desperate need for deep and profound change in our world today. I have led spiritual retreats around the world, and have practiced and taught the ageless wisdom and innovative heart-centred practices since the 1980’s.

My focus is on awakening consciousness and heart, integrating our personal experiences with the deep wisdom of soul, living in care and harmony with Earth. I have always sought meaning behind life's challenges, and a path of responsible and grounded spirituality.

We face such incredible challenges on Earth today, and we really need a new way of thinking and relating to this amazing planet so that we can create the profound changes needed. We can't think our way out of this crisis - our global thinking is mostly formed in the outdated mental approaches that have magnified this crisis to the great challenge it is today. We need a new consciousness to inform our choices and actions.

I feel deeply connected to the living presence of Earth, and nourished by the flow of evolutionary intent that I perceive, that embraces our planet and all life. I find hope and purpose through the clairvoyance, clairaudience and connection with the spiritual worlds that I have been gifted, and that I have trained hard to develop and refine so that they are finely tuned enough to discern carefully in these times where there are many disruptive influences.

Passionate about truth and meaning, I have a science degree and have worked in business analysis, software education and change management. I use all my skills to bring the wisdom and spiritual insights I receive down to Earth through my analytical, pragmatic and visionary outlook.

I offer practical new heart wisdom, to help with this change of consciousness, and update our relationship with this beautiful, living Earth we have the privilege of calling home. I truly believe that it won't take much to reach the tipping point of consciousness, where we collectively reach the understanding that can and will create the positive change we so urgently need at this pivotal time.

You can find a wealth of new wisdom to inspire your conscious journey at

and read more about me here:

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If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch!