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5 Things Authors need to know


Meditation on Strength and Peace


What if you could get a deeper message?


How to get past disappointments, understanding grief


Talking about that 1st Chakra


What are your spiritual gifts?


What is DNA Activation?


Meditation on Receiving


Unlocking Your Intuition Masterclass


Intuition is not Woo Woo


Healing from the Inside: 21 day journal


About Me

As an Intuitive Empowerment Diva and mojoologist, I help women through Intuitive Guidance to get their mojo back. I help them to See The Glass, not half empty or half full, just SEE THE GLASS! I'm qualified to do this work bc I know what it feels like to feel so crazy and out of control that I couldn't even see the glass, fuck 1/2 anything. I deliver healing by connecting with your Angels and guides for the wisdom to share with you to assist you in co-creating your healing.

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Blog Posts

What do you need to heal?
Stepping into all that I am especially in this time of revolution and change. I feel like we are all in a whirlwind of change and spiritual awakening. The time to be all in our spiritual life is here. We need to make the changes we need to make to em...
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