By purchasing/downloading anything from,, and/or, you automatically agree to the Terms of Use and Conditions of all Xiylahs products
- Breaking any of the Terms of Use and Conditions listed allows a permissible ban from Xiylahs Payhip, Gumroad and Xiylahs Discord.
- Bans result in losing any licensing rights to use Xiylahs products
- DMCA may come about
- No refunds on digital products
- Xiylahs is not responsible if you, as the buyer fail to read the Terms of Use and Conditions
- You, as the buyer, agree to have read and agree the Terms of Use and Conditions
- You are REQUIRED to have basic unity/upload knowledge before purchase. Failure of this is not the creator's issue.
- You must credit me when using my model on any social media no matter what, even if its a heavy edit
- DO NOT share Xiylahs avatar in anyway, shape or form, if you buy it as a gift put THEIR information instead of yours
- DO NOT make this model public
- NO REFUNTS AT ALL | If VRC updates break the model it is not Xiylahs responsibility to fix it
- DO NOT redistribute in any form (Meaning NO price splitting, trading or sharing with friend, family or significant others.) - it is for PERSONAL USE ONLY
- DO NOT claim as yours | you are allowed to edit (read edits tos), but it does not mean you personally made this avatar
- You do NOT own any commercial rights to any assets used on my model | if you want to use any said assets on this model you have to purchase them from the creators who are linked
- You can create content using Xiylahs model but you MUST credit the model (ex; _____by Xiylahs) and if they ask provide a link to said model
- If you need an upload make a ticket in my server, Xiylahs provide FREE uploads, if you have a friend upload the model for you they HAVE to BUY the avatar as well
- Have basic knowledge of unity and blender
- Do not claim as your own
- No sharing this asset at all
- if gotten off of another avi and not from then you do not have the right to use it
- No refunds since it is a digital product
- If you fail to put in correct information at checkout that voids all rights to use/own the avatar
If you are to use a Xiylahs avatar on any streaming platform, a link to this store AND/OR avatar used must be included in stream information
Crediting is required if there is any financial gain while using a Xiylahs avatar
Crediting is required if you are using a Xiylahs avatar to promote your texture/world/asset
You are permitted to edit Xiylahs Avatars as you please but within the listed limits (these are here for a reason please follow them):
- The edit is only for personal use
- The edit is uploaded as PRIVATE to VRChat
- Edits that are made public will be reported and have action taken against the account is a possibility
- Credit is given to Xiylahs as an edit of said model (ex: Personal edit of ____ by Xiylahs)
- If you wish to heavy edit to the point where the model is not recognizable to the original, please make a ticket in Xiylahs discord server
- Permission from ME is required BEFORE any heavy edits are made for multiple reasons
- You will have to provide proof of purchase
- Heavily editing without my permission will be taken as stealing my body and head sculpts which is NOT allowed
- A heavy edit is when a majority of the items originally on the model are removed and swapped with different items
- Xiylahs TOS still applies no matter what especially to not asset mine or take components off the FBX or the unity project
- You can NOT edit the head and body sculpt as part of heavy editing
- Stripping the avatar down to only the head and body is NOT allowed, my head and body sculpts are not for re-use in any way shape or from, you MUST keep some of the original items on the heavy edit