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22 Cheat Codes For Life

  • We're all at different points in our journey but the road ahead is the same. Over the years, I've come to the realization there are no super great truths; there are just many little pieces of insights that are there to form the puzzle of life, that are necessary to complete your understanding of life. 

  • In every society I know of, there are these three categories of people: leaders, followers and terrorists. Some say you can't fight your purpose, others say you don't have control over it. But do you know what is purpose? It's what gives your life meaning. What are you doing right now? Are you doing what you feel in your gut is right for you? If not, why aren't you?

  • Everyone should live life to the fullest. If you think you're not, then start on it. You shouldn't fake it. Pretence is a waste of energy. Be honest and speak your mind.

  • If you believe in something, fight for it. If you see an injustice, act on it. If you want to eat, work for it. There are no guarantees in life. Life isn't always fair. You don't always win. Sometimes relationships don't work out. But those are the rules to be thankful for.

  • Don't forget to thank God.

  • NEVER let a person become a priority in your life when you are just an option in their life.

  • Just because someone doesn't love you like you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have.

  • Catch you when you can catch. Love you when you can love. 

  • If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

  • Everyone, regardless of age, should strive to be wiser. While age doesn't guarantee wisdom, it does remind us that there's no need to spend another year so that we can become a little better. We would be much better off if we learned from those who have already walked in our shoes. We would avoid the many mistakes, hurts, and sadnesses that seem essential for growth.

  • It will take years to discover how much you didn’t know – and how little any of us knows. Perhaps a very significant component of what some call ‘wisdom’ is the awareness of how little we actually understand. 

  • Tough circumstances + doubting your abilities = emotional suffering; grievous inner and outer conflict. Good writing + facing up to adversity = strength. A statement reflecting the mental poise and composure involved when one faces and deals with the truth about oneself for the first time. Indeed, tough times filled with self-doubt and pain can serve as mere entry points to self-awareness and the knowledge of true character and grace. It is in hard times that a man’s true self reveals itself. Any man can excel and gain great rewards in good times. But true greatness is revealed by feedback and change when faced with obstacles and the same old warnings that have gone unheeded time and time again.

  • No king or leader can come close to the power of a man who has made up his mind. Any person who completely dedicates himself can obtain control over his own environment and is capable of changing his circumstances. If a king and a completely dedicated man were to lead the same life, starting in the same environment, one of them completely dedicated to achievement, and the other a quitter from day one, even if the king dedicated himself to helping others rather than achieving victory himself. Which one would come out on top of circumstances and provide the best possible life for those around them? There is no contest. The man who chooses to achieve would change his life, his circumstances, and his surroundings because he can do so.

  • The traps we have set in our minds are more harmful than the traps in front of us. What we think about is more scary than the reality. As Mark Twain once said, “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” Therefore, it is wise to let go of what isn’t fact, and careful not to spend too much time worrying about future events and outcomes that will not happen, and do not deserve our emotional energies.

  • You have your flaws unlike others. But so do people different from you. It’s about choosing the set of flaws you can accept. Nobody is perfect. We all have our own flaws. No one is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. You will have people who like you, people who hate you, and people who are indifferent. You can’t please everyone the way you want to. So just do your best at being yourself, and know that the people important to you will love you for who you are – flaws and all.

  • Nothing, not even a million dollars, not even life itself, is worth arguing over.

  • Marry someone you love to talk to. As you grow old, their conversational skills may be the most important ones in their arsenal.

  • Once a year, and ideally when you don't really feel like it, write a heartfelt letter of thanks to someone who never got the chance to hear it from you.

  • Keep your heroes to yourself. Very few people can be discussed in detail without being diminished.

  • Don't ever lose your ability to laugh. It's the only thing on earth that will always be the same, no matter what.

  • Don't ever allow yourself to lose your imagination.

  • If you have the time and the money and the opportunity to go to the Galápagos, do so.

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