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How To Stop Wasting Time

Check out our ebook: 'LIFE'S BIG QUESTION: 50 Questions to Open Your Mind and See Things Differently',this ebook is a journey into self-discovery and personal growth. It offers 50 deep

questions designed to get you thinking about life in new ways. This e-book is meant to answer your many questions about life such as "who are we?" "how to survive life?" "How Can You Save Yourself?" "Does time heal all wounds?" , from how did it all begin to where is it leading. If you're curious to learn more, you can get the ebook now with a 10% discount! using the code ' Life50'.

The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that there's always tomorrow.

The truth is that there is a finite number of tomorrows. The days in which we will have the opportunity to pursue the key goals in our lives, the unique goals central to our needs and desires, are numbered. The day in which we can live, inspire, and pursue what is important to us is not endless. We fool ourselves into thinking that we have unlimited time to complete those tasks that scare us, those tasks that stretch us out of our comfort zone. So often we put off what is truly important and satisfying because we can do it tomorrow. We are lulled into this false sense of comfort and security. So we put off. But in truth we do not have the potential for infinite accomplishment, creativity, or living life with passion, for these moments are truly finite. If time is infinite and limitless, one might have reason to procrastinate or become lazy. But at the same time, what gives value to a day is that it comes to an end. Each day is special because it allows us a finite period of time to live it and values the concept of achieving today and doing what needs to be done today.

Whitney Young, a famous civil rights leader, emphasized the importance of time, noting that it is a nonrefundable resource, and if you lose it, you will simply not have a chance to get it back. But time management is not only restrictive, it is subjective. Different authors have different opinions about the concept of time. Alan Lakein, author of How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, asserts that time is the only nonrenewable resource: it's up to you to use it to your benefit while it's available. The clock is ticking, whether you hear it or not. The author's assertion regarding time's nonrenewable nature is surprising not only because it's insightful, but also because it's true. Alan Lakein's concept corresponds with that of George Bernard Shaw, who said, "In youth, the hours are very long, and in old age, the days are very short." This quote indicates that straightening out the concepts of time management is a critical process that must be worked on daily, regardless of the situation we are facing or the obstacles we must overcome.

You know that project or idea that's been bouncing around in your head for some time now? Well, don't wait until you think you're ready to start it - you'll never be ready. Just begin. The biggest reason many of us procrastinate on getting started is because we don't feel confident we can do our project successfully. For example, that writer's block you may be experiencing – the feeling that you'll never write a great story, or even that you're not ready to begin - is a common situation that authors constantly encounter. "The best way to stop feeling insecure about doing anything tough is to go ahead and do it," says Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking.

When you start on your dream, you will soon become aware that you know a lot less than you thought you had known about it. And you will likely experience a sense of failure because you're not as good or skilled at it as you would like to be. You may even wonder if people will view your project as a failure because you're not performing as well as you would like. But so what? You will never be an expert in the beginning anyhow. Even if you constantly studied and practiced diligently, you could never achieve perfection. No one expects greatness to come within the first month. Significant projects involve gradual learning. So, worrying you're not ready is a waste of time.

Related: How Does Accepting Imperfections Make You Human?

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