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To Be Successful, You Only Need This...

I was once told that almost everything humanity has today was first created on Earth through imagination.

Many thoughts have passed through my mind, thinking on the seed from which imagination springs forth, and I find that the soil in which the seed of imagination grows so speedily is the seed of Faith. If you believe you can have it, then your mind will find a way to have it, even if the whole world says it is impossible to attain.

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Faith gives a man power. A man with faith is a powerful man indeed, a man without faith lays down his flail – that which constructs happiness and fulfills ambition, purposes, hope. As long as there is strength to pull it together, it is faith. 

Faith Can Move Mountains

The more one knows about something, the more likely it is either to increase one’s faith in it or to reveal new faith with virtue’s reward. These words are not mere philosophical verbiage – they are an epitomization of everything I’ve seen upon the stage of man’s history, scrutinizing the successes of individuals and groups everywhere.

Indeed, faith is the reason for man’s success, no matter what his beginnings. 

Related Topic: How To Achieve Success in Life | 13 Effective Strategies

A soul without faith is only probabilistic, an exclusive chance for man. It is faith in a thing that makes it good, faith in achievement that makes it right, faith in happiness that makes it beautiful. Faithless beings seek entertainment in their fatal ways. Such beings are awake, though their spirit sleeps in the sass with the dead.

So, why is Faith so important in order to be successful?

A person without faith is like a person having less belief that he could be successful in life. It might slow down progress or not being able to concentrate and capitalize on opportunities. The reason behind this is when we are not sure of something that it is possible or will happen, we would hesitate to act. Being in two minds will not be able to give the full effort.

Why would I give all my effort and energy towards a battle where my mind keeps telling me it's impossible for me to win! I don't believe in the capability, let me withdraw. Such will be the thought and impact faithlessness could make in our lives.

Have faith in yourself a lot, and let things happen. The power of faith in achieving something is a very interesting factor. It is often said that when strong desire and willpower are utilized towards a goal, through mental visualization then the subconscious mind seizes the power to materialize the achievement. For it has the capability to control and will persist to make the circumstances to assist in arriving at the desired state.

When we have faith and belief, we will be able to notice every achievable and practical way how it could all start happening in an automatic mode.

Let me ask you a question - do you believe there are opportunities just around you and if you seriously start looking for one, you will be able to find it? Here often it happens that we are not aware of the opportunities that might be existing surrounded all through us. Even if we are aware, we would have all possible reasons to feel helpless and thought that fortune will never favor us. 

But for those having faith that the opportunity exists and if they actively start seeking for one, no matter what, some way or the other or some day, they will be able to find it. Yes, it's simply because they know that what they are looking out for could be grasped and achieved. 

So, how can we build our faith?

In general, in order to build faith, you must think of faith as a muscle. The more you work with it, the stronger it gets. In the case of faith, though, the more you work with it, the harder it becomes to master it. To build faith, you must understand that it is a very peculiar thing. Not just anyone has faith. This is why, in order to have faith, you must consider God first. Instead of trying to convince God that you are faithful, you should work to convince yourself that God is faithful. 

In addition to trusting, you must also put faith into practice. Though one may say that they always pray, they must also forget their troubles while believing that God will fulfill a promise that He made personalized to you before you were even born. Before this can truly happen, however, you must establish and have faith in your relationship with God.

Visualize God as always present in your life, guiding and supporting you. Also, by getting to know God better, you can establish a genuine covenant-based relationship with Him. This relationship reflects the belief that God loves you unconditionally, regardless of your circumstances. You must make a personal covenant with Him and say, "Here is my life. Let it flow as a declaration of gratitude that signifies that God causes everything to happen the way it does."

"Belief creates the actual fact," said William James. If you believe you can have it, then your mind will find a way, keep you open to opportunities, and guide you to reach that goal. 

An individual with persistence and strong belief in his ability and the rightness of his action will find emotional power to carry on against seemingly impossible obstacles. Those with deep faith in their ability to reach their goals were not fazed by difficult tasks and were more motivated by negative feedback. 

Without faith, reaching their goal can seem an impossibility to others. In their battle to achieve success, they are like wounded warriors. Taunted, ridiculed, defied. This will all be as water off a duck's back with persistence and strong faith. Is this not the key to success?

No one can achieve great success without faith. By faith, I mean true inner conviction of action - a conviction that goes down deep into the strength of action, a conviction that goes down deep into the very fibers of the will.

And just as for anything else, so for our concerted efforts and best capacities, it is always the faith of the moment, the faith of what we are undertaking, that determines whether our efforts will succeed or fail.

And the question remains: How strong is your faith? Is it strong enough to challenge the impossible and turn those dreams into reality? Answer in the comments below !

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