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Balticon 2021 Wrap-Up


Well, we're into our third week past Balticon, and I finally have a moment to stop and tell you about it!

As ever, things went differently than expected, but that's actually a good thing, in the long run! (In the short run, we're still being extremely nervous about the rent, but that's another post. This one, in fact.)

We kept on with the poetry by attending readings and panels in the speculative poetry track as well as participating in the Open Mic, held on Sunday. Poems were well-received, and we have plenty of inspurration to be writing on with!

While we didn't quite achieve our goal of getting our two poetry chapbooks out of pre-order, we did make significant prrrogress on them during and after the con. Check them out here: What Do the Stars Think?, Rocket Ride.

Like Balticon brought its own Goodness, in this case, remembered - filk! This fandom-folk mewsic used to be an important part of both of our lives, sadly left behind with so much else during our Caretaking Years.

We were welcomed warmly back into the fold, and I was able to sing on two of the four nights, and ended the TWELVE-hour (and 36 minute, Mike reminds me) Dead Dog Filk, energized (as much as you can be energized after a long long-weekedn at a convention) to do more!

Have plugged ourselves back into the filk community, which is reassuringly virtual with intentions to keep the virtual component beyond strict necessity (a boon for those of us with economic issues, not to mention a not-kitten who Does Not Approve of our leaving for extended periods of time), looking forward to singing, recording, and pouncing this beloved old-new mewsic!

Have two songs already done post-convention and the beginnings of several more! Watch this space (and be sure to check out the Avian Empire blog on this site, because I have a feeling that a lot of Secret Goodness will be being posted over there) for more news as creating wrrants!

On to the next!

Chirp, chirp! :-)

Birdy :>O<:

P.S. If you enjoyed this post and would like to keep up on all our curious creating, then sign up here for up-to-weekdaily emails of poetry, song, story, and snippets from our Creative Journey: